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Rates Effective 1/01/2025

Vehicles & Recreational Vehicles
Type APR* as low as
New and Used Vehicles 5.50%
Motorhomes 7.25%
Boats 7.25%
Campers/Travel Trailers 7.25%
Motorcycles 7.25%
Snowmobiles/4 wheelers


Other Loans
Type APR* as low as
Deposit Secured 3% over the current deposit dividend rate, but not less than 3%
Signature 10.25%
Home Equity Line of Credit   9.25% (Rate subject to change quarterly)
Home Loan Rates Rates change daily, click on the button to see the latest rates
Mortgage Rates

* APR = Annual Percentage Rate

Loan rates are based on credit qualifications, loan term, and other qualifying factors. Your actual rate may be higher.

The above rates reflect a .25% rate reduction for an electronic payment.

Home Equity Loans are variable rate loans, the rate is determined on your credit qualifications, the equity borrowed, and the current Prime Interest Rate.