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Rates Effective as of: 1/01/2025

Savings & Checking
Account Type Min. to Open Account Min. to Earn Dividends APY*
Savings $5 $50 0.05%
IRA Savings $5 $50 0.05%
Checking $25 $2,000 0.03%


Certificate of Deposit
Term Min. to Open Account APY*
3 Month $500 3.25%
6 Month $500 4.25%
12 Month $500 3.50%
18 Month $500 2.25%
24 Month $500 2.00%
30 Month $500 2.00%
36 Month $500 2.00%
48 Month $500 1.75%
Youth Certificate of Deposit
Term Min. to Open Account APY*
13 Month $100 4.00%

*APY = Annual Percentage Yield 

Deposits in KTCCU are insured by the National Credit Union Association for up to $250,000. Rates are subject to change monthly. Certificates have a penalty for early withdrawal. Specific disclosures on deposit accounts are available upon request.